February 26 - 2017.
Hoe gaat het? Nou, we zijn 2 weken naar Texel geweest! We hebben zo ontzettend genoten! We gingen van sneeuw naar mooi en lekker weer. Slufter..... de Muy............ vogel-excursie............. Horster meertjes......... strandpaal 28 (super lekker gegeten!)............ strandpaal 9 met heel laag water....... De Cocksdorp.......... Skil (Oudeschild) waar je heerlijke vis kunt eten en waar je een prachtige haven vindt ........ verdwaald in de omgeving van den Hoorn met de mooie kerk............gewinkeld in den Burg.........over dijken gewandeld...........langs het wad............ schapen schapen schapen................ google maar!
How are things going? Well, we went to Texel for 2 weeks (an island in the north of the Netherlands)! We have enjoyed it so much! We "went from snow to nice and warmer weather". Slufter.....de Muy.....bird-excursion......Horster meertjes.....strandpaal 28 (where we got such delicious food!)....strandpaal 9 where the water was so low......De Cocksdorp.....Skil (Oudeschild) where you can eat delicious fish and where you can find the lovely harbour......got lost in the surrounding of den Hoorn with the lovely church.......shopping in den Burg......walked along the wad........sheep sheep sheep........... just google!
Wat mezelf betreft kan ik zeggen dat het best nog goed gaat; de pijn wordt wat erger en ik word dunner maar ik kan nog steeds ver wandelen en dat maakt me heel gelukkig - om buiten te zijn tussen de weilanden waar alles van me af lijkt te vallen en waar ik alleen oog heb voor de natuur. Verder houdt het quilten me bezig en misschien maak ik nog 1 beer.....
About myself I can say that it still goes ok enough; the pain is increasing a bit and I'm losing weight but I still can walk pretty far and that makes me so happy - to be outside between the meadows where everything seems to relax me and where I only "absorb" the beautiful nature. Also quilting keeps me busy and I might make 1 more teddybear.....
Hier zijn wat foto's van Texel! Here are some pic's of Texel!
en bedankt voor je bezoek! Pink
koud / cold bird-excursion |
wad |
crossing the water over stones |
how beautiful is the sea! |
visitor! |
1 more visitor! always used to jump in front of my camera ! |
January 31st 2017.
long-kanker / lung-cancer.
Voor diegenen die willen volgen hoe het met me gaat: het gaat best goed! Ik heb niet al te veel klachten en ben gelukkig niet erg benauwd. Elke dag gaan we een stuk wandelen of lopen we even naar het dorp. Mijn spreuk van de week is: dit drama is net zo groot als ik het zelf maak.
Mijn doel is om zo lang als mogelijk gewoon door te gaan met mijn (dus ons) leven. Ik slik af en toe iets om een beetje rustiger te worden maar niet al te veel omdat ik graag helder wil blijven. Ik weet de diagnose nu een week of 5/6 en de eerste schrik is verdwenen; het blijft wat eng maar op de een of andere manier ben ik gewoon rustig; komt vast omdat ik het accepteer en geen energie steek in overleven maar slechts in LEVEN. Wat de toekomst brengt dat zie ik tegen die tijd wel.
Zo af en toe zal ik hier een stukje schrijven. Bedankt voor je belangstelling. xxx
For those of you who would like to follow how I'm doing: pretty good! I don't have many complaints and still can breath. Every day we walk along the river or we walk to the village. My slogan for today is: the drama is as big as I make it. My go is to go on with my (our) life "normal" as long as possible. Every now and then I take a pill to get a bit calmer but I don't use a lot of medication as I want my brain to stay clear. By now I know about 5/6 week the diagnosis and the first fear has gone; it is a bit scary but one way or the other I succeed to stay calm; I think it is because I accept and don't put energy in surviving but only in LIVING. I will see what the future will bring by then.
Every now and then I shall write a few words here. Thank you for being interested. xxx
June 25th 2016.
We hebben onlangs een nieuwe vlindertuin bezocht in de Eifel. De vlindertuin heet Eifalia en ligt in Ahrhutte in Duitsland. Het was er zo prachtig en ik laat wat foto's zien.
We recently visited a butterfly-garden in de Eifel. De butterfly-garden is called Eifalia and is situated in Ahrhutte in Germany. It was so beautiful and I show you some pictures.
October 7th 2015.
We zijn een weekje weg geweest en ook al weer bijna 2 weken terug. Achtervolgd door het virus dat hier rond gaat vonden we dat we even rust moesten nemen. Inmiddels (ook nog 2 blaasontstekingen verder) zijn we weer bijna boven Jan.
We have been on a vacation for a week and are back almost 2 weeks now. Chased by the virus that is going on here we thought we needed some rest. By now (after also 2 bladder infections) we are almost feeling better again.
Ik dacht dat we naar de VulkaanEifel gingen maar achteraf gezien was het de Hunsruck. Typisch iets voor mij. Kell am See. Wat een prachtige omgeving!!!!!
I thought we were going to the VulcanEifel but once there I found out it was the Hunsruck. Typically me. Kell am See. What a beautiful area! Germany.
ons uitzicht / what we saw thrue the window of the bungalow |
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starwars in the forest????????????? |
De eerste 2 dagen regende het erg hard maar we vonden dat wel best en zijn pas de 3e dag op stap gegaan. Gewandeld in de bossen en je komt geen mens tegen.
We hebben het museum van Villeroy en Boch bezocht. Nu was ik nooit zo geïnteresseerd in hun producten maar omdat wij zo af en toe wat ouder porselein opscharrelen links en rechts was het al met al een bijzondere belevenis!
The first 2 days the rain was pourring down but we didn't care. The 3rd day we started to go outside. Walking in the forests and nobody else there.
We visited the Villeroy and Boch museum. Until we did I never was very interested in their products but as we have started to collect older porcelain every now and then it was quite a surprising visit!
Ik laat maar even wat foto's zien / I'll show some pictures:
romance............. |
Villeroy en Boch |
We hebben enorm genoten (ook nadat ik mijzelf opgesloten had in het toilet en na lange tijd met een rood hoofd eindelijk de deur weer open kreeg!) en we willen graag nog een keer terug gaan.
We enjoyed it very much (even after I found myself locked up in the toilet and I succeeded after a long time to open the door again - with a red head!) and we love to go back again.
We gingen ook naar Trier................prachtige stad, vol toeristen maar daar kunnen we wel tegen sinds we in Amsterdam gewoond hebben.
We also visited Trier...................beautiful city, loaded with tourist but we are kind of used to that since we lived in Amsterdam.
de Dom |
In Trier (de oudste stad van Duitsland) is een speelgoedmuseum. Met ook teddyberen............. natuurlijk moest ik daarnaar toe! Wat een bijzonder en geweldig museum! Antieke poppen, teddyberen, blikken speelgoed, Marklin treinen en nog veel meer. Helemaal geweldig!!!
In Trier (the oldest German city) is a toy-museum. They also have teddybears............ofcourse I had to visit it! Such a special museum! Antique dolls, teddybears, toys, Marklin trains and so much more. Wonderful!
hughe Steiff Bear |
I LOVE these!!! |
Spielzeugmuseum Trier
Dietrichstrasse 50/51 54290 Trier Germany www.spielzeugmuseum-trier.de
Ik schenk ze een antieke pop omdat het een bijzonder museum is en de pop daar welkom en thuis is. I give them an antique doll because the museum is so special and the doll is welcome and at home there.
Voor mijn man kocht ik dit mooie espresso-kopje in Trier..............hij spaart ze / in Trier I bought this lovely espresso-cup for my husband.................. he collects them.
Saarburg! daar zijn we ook naartoe gegaan. Mooi! Bijzondere waterval en heel grote stukken taart!
Saarburg! we visited that city too. Beautiful! Special waterfall and very big pieces of pie!
Het was fijn om er een weekje tussenuit te zijn! It was nice to have this vacation for a week!
July 20th 2015.
Het lijkt wel wat stil maar ik zit niet echt stil! Het komt door de warmte afgewisseld met ineens veel lagere temperaturen om vervolgens weer heel warme dagen te krijgen.
I seam to be a little quiet lately but I'm not "just sitting" at all. It has to do with the high temperatures we have which are being followed by days with a much lower temperature.............which are followed by hot days again.
Ik ben aan 2 creaties begonnen; een leeuw en een klein beertje. De mohair voor de leeuw is heel mooi en minder gemakkelijk om mee te werken. Nu doe ik stukje voor stukje om de moed er in te houden. Het kleine beertje is een welkome afwisseling.
I started with 2 creations; a lion and a smaller bear. The mohair I use for the lion is not the easiest fur to work with. Now I do little by little to keep courage. It is nice to work at the little bear in between.
a sneak preview.............not too much................: )))))))))))))))
nog even geduld dus a little patience please
De Kringloop / the secondhand shop:
we blijven het leuk vinden om er rond te kijken / we keep loving it to look around there
een poosje geleden vond ik dit blik / some time ago I found this tin (can?):
Het is een Amerikaans blik / it is a tin from the USA.
Ook vond ik dit / I also found this:
Iemand heeft dit gemaakt met veel liefde, dat kun je zien. Ik vind het helemaal geweldig. Als het rijdt gaat het paard op en neer. De constructie is heel simpel maar ook heel inventief.
Someone made this with a lot of love, it shows. I really love it. If it rides the horse goes up and down. The construction is very simple but also very inventive.
Nu nog even een houten hondje..........waarvan ik me lang afvroeg waarom het een bal op zijn hoofd heeft.........voordat ik door had dat het een poedel is : ))))))))))))))))
A wooden doggie................and I wondered a long time why it has a ball on it's head...........before I realised it is a poodle : ))))))))))))))))
Dikke vriendjes! Dear friends!
Het is vakantie-tijd en "onze" kinderen zijn er om de beurt. Brengt veel gezelligheid!
It is holiday-time and "our" children come one by one. It brings a lot of pleasure here!
Zo, nu eerst maar eens iets drinken met een zelfgebakken stuk cake erbij! Now it is time for a drink and a piece of home-made cake!
Tot de volgende keer! See you next time!
June 6th 2015.
Vandaag bezochten we de zandsculpturen bij kasteel Warmelo te Diepenheim. Als je op de link klikt kun je meer informatie vinden over het kasteel.
Het was warm en het was een beetje moeilijk om foto's te maken omdat er erg veel licht was maar ik heb mijn best gedaan!
Ik heb nauwelijks tekst toegevoegd, de beelden spreken voor zich. Voor foto's van de mooie tuinen gaan we nog een keer terug.
"Ons" meisje deed een spel en moest het aantal vogeltjes tellen in de zandsculpturen; na afloop zou ze een waterijsje krijgen van het kasteel.........geloof me, ik heb snel gelopen : ))))))))))))))
Loop je mee????
Today we visited de sand-sculptures near kasteel Warmelo in Diepenheim. If you click on the link you will find more information about the castle.
It was warm and it was difficult to take good pictures because there was a lot of light but I did the best I could!
I hardly added any text, the pictures speak for themselves. We will go back to take pictures from the beautiful gardens.
"Our" little girl joined a game: she had to count all the birds in the sand-sculptures; the castle had promised her ice-cream when she had finished counting.............believe me, I had to walk fast : )))))))))))))
Walk along with us??????
we mochten het kasteel niet / we were not allowed to enter the castle |
meisje en manlief / girl and hubby |
hubby, girl and girls daddy (my youngest brother) |
meisje was bang voor de ogen / girl was scared of the eyes |
Er was ook een sculptuur van Prinses Armgard maar ik kon het niet goed fotograferen; misschien de volgende keer.
There also was a sculpture of Princess Armgard but I didn't succeed to take a good picture; maybe next time.
February 28th 2015.
Naar het dorp.............we noemen het een dorp maar het is een kleine plaats. Maar ja, als je ooit in Amsterdam hebt gewoond noem je dit denk ik liefkozend een dorp.
Vaak, als we boodschappen moeten doen, lopen we een stuk om. Vandaag heb ik weer eens foto's gemaakt en ik vind dat de natuur hier nooit verveelt! We hadden wat oud brood meegenomen voor de eenden maar er waren er niet veel.
Loop je mee?
To the village..........we call this a village but it is a small town. However, if you once lived in Amsterdam you might call it a village.
Very often, when we need something from a shop, we don't walk straight to the village. Today I made some pictures again and in my opinion the nature here is never boring!
We had some old bread for the ducks but there weren't many.
Join us?
zie je ons? / do you see us? |
nog steeds veel water uit Duitsland! still a lot of water from Germany! |
bijna 65.....! / almost 65.....! |
honden mogen hier niet komen omdat ze ziektes over kunnen brengen op de koeien etc / no dogs allowed here because they can spread illness for cows etc |
een aantal mannen en een accordeon! / a couple of men and an accordeon! |
over de brug linksaf / here we go (over the bridge) to the left |
zie je de gele stoeltjes??? Hoera voor Peter, de ijsboer is weer open!!! / do you see the yellow chairs? Hurray for Peter, the ice-shop is open again! |
dit is een mooi monument, er zijn er meer hier / this is a beautiful monument, there are more here |
Zo, dat was het weer voor vandaag! Ik wens je een heel fijn weekend verder!
Enough for today! I wish you a lovely continue of the weekend!
February 4th 2015.
Echt veel is hier niet geschreven de laatste tijd maar we hebben toch van alles gedaan.
There hasn't been written much here lately but we did a lot of things.
Vandaag een stukje gewandeld, zoals elke dag. Omdat mijn man geblesseerd is kunnen we niet zo ver.
Today we walked, like every day. Because my husband is injured we can't go very far.
We liepen langs de rivier de Berkel, naar het park de Maat en via het dorp weer terug. Eerlijk toegegeven: een tussenstop voor een stukje taart met warme chocolademelk!
We followed the river de Berkel, in the direction of our park de Maat and had a break for a piece of pie and hot chocolate-milk in the village!
de Ramsbeek bereikt de Berkel/the Ramsbeek reaches de Berkel |
Het was een fijne wandeling! It was a nice walk!
December 21st. 2014.
Op het platteland heb je van die leuke tradities! Vandaag was het in ons dorp mogelijk om een midwinterhoorn wandeling te maken. Wij vonden dat we dat toch eens in ons leven gedaan moeten hebben en hebben de bergschoenen aangetrokken en dat was maar goed ook! Kom met ons mee:
When you live in the country you'll find lovely traditions! Today it was possible to join a midwinterhorn walk. We thought we should have joined one at least once in our life and put on our walking- (mountain-) shoes which turned out to be a good choice! Join us:
start..... |
om de hoek / just around the corner |
Ik wordt altijd zo blij als ik dit zie / I always feel so happy when I see this |
hoog water in de rivier de Berkel / high water in the river de Berkel |
beetje eng wel / a bit scary |
prachtige schapen / beautiful sheep |
binnen in de watermolen / inside the water mill |
er was een klein museum....zo'n wasmachine hebben wij ook nog gehad / there was a little museum.....we had such a washing machine long ago |
voor de kleintjes.....for the children |
vanaf de andere kant / from the other side |
decoratie bij de kampeerboerderij / decoration at a group-accommodation |
nat..........wet............ |
deze meneer maakte een mindwinterhoorn! this man was making a midwinterhorn! |
van boom naar hoorn.....from tree to horn...... |
en weer over de Berkel / and crossing de Berkel again |
thuis! home! |
We hebben ca. 8 km gelopen en ik vond het prachtig. Het geluid van de midwinterhoorn is speciaal en je hoort het al van verre. Thuis hebben we lekker warme thee gedronken met een stukje home-made appel-cake erbij!
We walked appr. 8 km and I loved it. The sound of the midwinterhorn is special and you can hear it from a big distance. Back home we had some nice warm tea and home-made appel-cake.
Het was een fijne dag! Leuk dat je "meeliep"! It was a nice day! Nice you "joined" us!
December 3rd 2014.
Alweer de laatste maand van dit jaar! Eigenlijk is dit jaar omgevlogen. Nou gebeurt dat wel vaker als je van alles te doen hebt en van alles leuk vindt om te doen.
The last month of the year already! Time did fly. This happens often when you have a lot of things to do and like a lot of things to do.
Vorige week was ik jarig. We vieren het nooit zo uitgebreid maar ik vind het prachtig om dan cadeautjes te krijgen.
My birthday was last week. We never really celebrate this but I love the little presents I get ofcourse.
Helemaal uit Cyprus kwam een prachtig cadeau...van Sylvette! Zelfs de man die de pakjes bezorgt weet er al van! "pakje uit Cyprus!" roep ik dan!
All the way from Cyprus there was a beautiful present.....from Sylvette! Even de man who delivers the packages knows about these packages! I shout "package from Cyprus!"
Kijk, allemaal kralen, de meeste gemaakt van Murano glas, door Sylvette zelf. Gehaakte beertjes.....of ik ze wat op kan knappen? Maar ik vind ze al zo mooi....! Gehaakte kraagjes......lint.....met de hand geverfde stof (je kunt die terugvinden als je even kijkt bij Kitten).....Wat een verwennerij!
Have a look at the pictures......all kind of beads, most of them handmade by Sylvette....from Murano glass. Crocheted little bears...."Pink can you give them some more stitches?" but I LIKE them so much already! Crocheted collars.......a piece of fabric, hand-painted by Sylvette....lovely flowers and birds (you can find an example if you look at page Kitten!) I've been SPOILED!
Dit is slechts een selectie! This is only a selection!
Leuk he?!!! Isn't this nice?!!!
Verder zijn we natuurlijk nog in de kringloop geweest en daar heb ik een piepklein blikje op de kop getikt:
We have also visited the second-hand shop and there I found this mini mini can:
Wat er verder zoal gebeurde bij ons was dat we de kippen moesten opsluiten vanwege de vogelgriep in dit land. Ze waren van slag maar inmiddels gaat het weer beter.
Other news is that we had to lock up the chicken because of the brid-flu in this country. They were pretty upset but now all is going better again.
Laten we hopen dat er geen nieuwe uitbraak meer komt.....Let's hope there will not be another outbreak....
Ik heb een beer, een kitten en een muis in een koffer gemaakt, een schilderijtje genaaldvilt en ik heb gequilt.
I made a bear, a kitten, a mouse in a suitcase, needle-felted a painting and I quilted.
We hebben gefietst en gewandeld............we biked and walked.....
Wij vervelen ons nooit in Eibergen! We never get bored in Eibergen!
Bedankt voor je bezoek! Thank you for your visit!
Take care!!!!!
October 5th 2014.
It have been busy days lately! Well, it's better than getting bored!
Last weekend we were visiting Texel, a beautiful island in the north of the Netherlands, surrounded by the sea.
Ofcourse I had forgotten my camera! So pitty! Nevertheless I have a few pictures to share! The weather was extremely beautiful!
Also, 2 of our Brahma chicken were laying their first egg! Hurray! We were very surprised because we had read that Brahma chicken lay their first egg when they are about 8 months......ours are appr. 4,5 months.
Gosh were they nervous! we had no idea what was "wrong" with the first chicken.....it ran from left to right all the time, making noise like a fire-brigade car! We tried salade, seeds, nothing helped and finally I suggested: must she lay an egg????
My husband went inside the chicken coop and showed the way to the lay-box......and I thought......???!!!...
but he went on and I was still thinking....it are chicken.......and finally Peter came out the chicken coop again. He went inside our house and I stayed outside.....to see within 2 minutes the chicken walked up to the stairs and popped into the lay-box! After a couple of hours a loud TOCK TOCK!!!!!!! and YES! an egg!
A few days later nr. 2 layed an egg but she lays 1 in 2 days! Nr. 3 is walking around like: never ever will I lay an egg! Funny!
Peter??? in my opinion he is the best chicken-whisperer ever!
Here are some pic's!
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cute little egg! |
time for a walk......wind in my hairs.....a few minutes for myself......sunshine.....the smell of the sea......the sound of all the birds.....the waves..... |
clouded but also sunshine......beautiful sand.......how free can you feel???!!!! breath......! |
We visited a wild-bird show! It was so amazing! There even landed 2 birds on my arm (I had a very BIG glove!).....I have no pic's from this but I'm sure my husband will put them on his blog soon! (you can find Peter in my bloglist)
There was a butterfly-garden too and there were over 300 gorgeous birds.....
The butterfly-garden is called Eureka.
I will finish this up-date with one special pic.....
GUESS who burst out of his pants??!!!!!!!! and he hadn't noticed at all!!!!! No no, I will not give you a name! : ))))))))))) |
Be well! Hugs! Pink
September 13th 2014.
Look at this!
This windmill can be found in Rekken in the Netherlands! It is called "de Piepermolen" and it is old. It was a flour windmill powered by a big steam machine. So beautiful! |
Yesterday around the windmill was a Dahlia show. In Rekken every year there is a flower corso and the flowers used are Dahlia's. In the months before the corso you can see all kind of small fields with Dahlia's in the surrounding and specialy a garden near the windmill. This year, for the first time, people organised a Floriade.
We visited it and made some pictures:
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used to collect mais..... |
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when I was still young I lived "in the country" and I remember these old machines....nostalgy! |
It was so beautiful and I had never seen so many different Dahlia's! I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures!
Wishing you a lovely day!
September 5th 2014.
The last weeks we didn't have much time to walk or bike because the men in this house made a new chicken coop. So much work! It is lovely. No pic's yet!
We were curious what the chicken would do when they had to spend the first night inside and they did just what we expected: SHOUT and DON'T GO INSIDE! When it was almost dark we decided to try to help them..............again!..............and finally my brother picked up one and put it thrue the door......the second one just needed a little push...............and the third went inside all by itself. Phew!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday we convinced them with fresh vegetables but it did take time again!
Yesterday we also walked again, hurray! Back to Zwillbrocker Venn in Germany/the Netherlands! It was lovely weather and the sun was shining!
The last weeks it has been raining so much here! Positive thing is there are mushrooms already! Looks like autumn!!!
Here are some pictures again:
the mais is so high! |
supposed to bloom in Spring! |
we call this one squirrel bread......... |
what I did was photograph from down to the sky...... |
a little talking mushroom???? an alien????? ahhh.........! |
the fallen tree stump again! still there!I take a pic every 3 months! |
water |
The white spots are Flamengo's (most of them).....I think they will be leaving soon again. |
We had a great walk!
Thank you for "joining" us on our mushroom hunt!
July 27th 2014.
We had a wonderful time in the herbsgarden again!
Here are some pic's! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
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I think I see an egg!!! |
there are a lot of eatable things and I noticed there is a little bit of Autumn already in the herbsgarden....
June 6th.
Here are some pic's again from the Herbsgarden......it was so warm and so nice there!
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the new flowers, ain't they beautiful?! |
this is so special and I had never seen it before; a lady came to me and told me it is called German Pipe |
bottoms up! |
I had trouble with the light but love to share this flower with you |
I must remember this just in case I have no food....... |
this is what we call a "fish-stairs" and it helps fishes to reach their destiny |
there are some fishes in the water! |
June 2014.
The baby-chicken are doing fine! A few things have been changed: we bought a run to give them more freedom to walk around. Never expected them to run after tiny flies! It is so funny because they almost never catch them! One even tried a butterfly but no chance!
They have grown, gosh do they grow fast. Didn't tell you yet that one escaped thrue the door when we opened it.
They can fly........but I got it back in time. We must cut the biggest feather, I know, but none of us is very willing to do this...we are "chicken" ourselves!!!! OK, we promise to do it. One day.....
We also gave them sticks to sit on, they really like that. When we come with our candy-food-can they come to us; they are not really tame but we hope some day they will be.
Anyway, we enjoy our chicken very much and try to give them a very good life! btw they are loosing some baby-feathers! and I gave them names: Iene Miene and Mutte and if I translate this it could be Ine Mine Moo......not that they listen!
Here are some pic's:
Just a day....
We visited some second-hand shops yesterday and I was so happy to find these things:
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This fabric was in the plastic bag. I wanted to have this fabric for my bears and once home I washed it and was very surprised to read the text printed on it! |
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I found 2 of these tins; they are so small that they fit into my hands. They are from 1992. I love them! (and I will send one of them to my friend to surprise her!) |
Today was a rainy day but it didn't stop Kareltje to get his peanuts! Kareltje comes every day and sometimes there are 2 of them together. We have no idea if they are a girl or a boy but we gave them this name ( a boys-name).....many times you can hear in this house: KARELTJE is here!!! and then the men start running for their camera and rush to the window or the garden! Kareltje is not very scared of us!
Kareltje (at least one of them!) |
De Kruidenhof in Eibergen......the Herbsgarden in Eibergen
We had to wait many months but the herbsgarden is open again. We were surprised to find out there are so many herbs with flowers already!
.....just some information: it was a swimming-pool......then it was a tennis-court......now it is a herbsgarden and volunteers keep it neat and work a lot there!
Here are some pictures! Enjoy!
see the frogg??? |
see the 2 froggs??? |
Not many words to say.....maybe just that we had a lovely day!
De Achterhoek
this is the name of the region we live in; it is beautiful. More specific: we live in Berkelland, a part of de Achterhoek. It consists of a lot of nature and some smaller cities and villages. A lot of farmers here!
We biked today. It was a bit cold but when you bike you will get warm. We biked 40 km.
Come along and follow us on our trip today!
we heard the froggs and saw some too....almost invisible due to their colour |
if you do your upper-best you might see a deer....the little brown spot at the background..in the middel...I longed to see a deer again and today was my lucky day! |
I love these roads! |
at the right a special area starts where special cows and horses walk free; we didn't see them yet... |
time for a pick-nick! Husband preparing the food |
like a fairy-tale |
HORSE!!!! baby-horse!!!!!! wild and walking free!!!!!!! |
look at that!!!!!! |
potatoes growing already |
beautiful tree! |
mais... |
Holland....can be so beautiful |
on our way back home.... |
yes, on our way back but I must make a little confession now...we stopped in the lovely village called Haarlo....that's to say husband stopped and parked his bike at Hotel restaurant Prinsen......and he sat down. Hmm...so did I! He needed a snack and a drink (or 2) and I got my cappuccino and some of his snacks. Funny, there was an old man with a book....and he started to walk towards the door....but stopped and started talking with us. He told us yesterday they had celebrated the 150 th!!! years anniversary of the Prinsen Hotel and restaurant! Wow!!! It was very nice to talk with this man. He was the former boss....still living there.....
OK, drinks done, snacks gone, time to get home now. On our way we stopped (!) at a chickenfarm where you can buy fresh eggs. First time here. Let me tell you there is this "thing" where you press some buttons for a code telling how many eggs you want.....you put in the money.....and then you can pick some eggs (they are standing there free btw)....an older woman helped us by explaining what to do. We had a little talk and she told us sometimes people don't pay.....and some time ago some people had stolen the money too so now they have this machine to pay.....and I thought: we are talking about 1,30 euro for 10 eggs.....how BAD can one be steeling?!!!
The farm was interesting and the woman told us 70.000 eggs are collected EVERY DAY....WOW!!!! Can you imagine 70.000 eggs???? we hope to get SOME eggs from our chicken in future and will be glad with the 1st egg!
With the eggs (we paid OFCOURSE) we finally got home......
little secret? husband fell asleep.... : ))))))
It was a lovely day!!!! Thanks for joining us today! Hope you enjoyed it!
btw: there are hotels and campings here and visitors are more than welcome in this area! Here people are still friendly!!!
Hugs, Pink.
Up-date for the chicken!
The little chicken are doing fine. We seem to be a bit over-concerned tho! Never had baby-chicken so everything is new to us...but not to my brother. His children have a few chicken. Good to have an advisor! Let me tell you that the chicken eat out of the men's hand! Bravely I put in MY hand and....pick pick one lady tried to eat my hand. OOPS!
Yesterday one of them climbed over the chicken-stairs into the chicken-run, or maybe got there by accident. It was raining very hard and it is cold outside. I heard PEEP PEEP while sitting in my "bear-palace" upstairs. Didn't see something special out of my window. Suddenly my husband said there was a chicken in the run....hiding and calling.....oh dear! We went outside with an umbrella and opened the little door....ever seen a small door and a bigger man??? Finally (!) he got the little one and put her back. It was the first time we heard : TOK TOK!... thats Dutch language chicken speak : )))))
Probably more to come!
Three little ladies arrived today! We have chicken! How nice!
My husband wanted them for his birthday......bought a little chicken house......had to assemble it.....and had to paint it again because it was not done very well.
In the meantime he did a lot of research and decided he wanted Brahma chicken. I must confess I must do some research myself!
Now, one could think it is easy to find some chicken but it was not THAT easy. Finally he found a man selling them.
Tonight was the big moment! Off they went, my husband and brother. Not sure if they were going to buy chicken tho! So, a bit nervous and very curious I waited for them to come back home...with or without a box???? Never before I noticed how many cars drive thrue our street! Hmm....many! well.. about 8..!
They arrived!!! was there a box or not?????? YES!!!!!! a tiny one! so I ran to the door and opened it and immediately I heard a soft peep peep....! CHICKEN!!!!
They started to peep so much louder once inside the house and they pooped thrue a hole in the box....I KNEW they were allright!
My brother opened the box and HA!!!!!! three little chicken, aged appr. 6 weeks! brown with black tiny feathers and feathers at their legs! aww...!!!!!!
We moved them to the chicken house in the garden (we are still busy making a garden!) and what made me smile was that the seller told them they were yet too small to sit on a stick....but they decided to sit on their food-tray! Funny!
We must think of names!
Here are some pic's!!!!
I will be back with up-dates! Thanks for your visit! Pink
three little ladies!!!! |
such a treasure!!!! |
climbing on their food-tray! |
their new home!!! |
as promised a picture of the Flamengo's!
Tuesday, April 22nd 2014.
The sun was shining, the temperature was nice so we went for a walk at the Zwillbrocker Venn again. It is amazing to see this beautiful part of nature in different seisons!
this is an ancient religious house; nowadays a church which is beautiful inside! |
the first steps.... |
spring! flowers! we call this a paardenbloem; it is a dandelion; in Dutch it stands for a horse-flower |
don't know the name of these flowers |
there are so many birds, flamengo's included; we have been told there is an egg! |
there is a big gull-colony |
we never get bored here |
"don't forget me" flowers |
silence..... |
are there Trolls??? |
my favourite part |
how special! 2 "dragons"! |
caterpillar nest! |
nice leggs! |
spider-nest, spider inclusive |
full of new life! |
the fallen tree is still here |
my heart was melting! |
if you have a closer look you might see it are twins!!!!! |
did you know I LOVE cows? |
the religeous house again |
We had a wonderful day!!!!
Thanks for your visit!
Saturday April 12th 2014.
Yesterday morning at breakfast I found this little paper on my plate:
We had decided not to do something special that day but, after a nice walk outside, we DID go to a little restaurant in this village for a nice dinner, accompanied by my youngest brother who lives with us.
Today is the 1st day of "year 41" and we will see what life will bring us! a lot of LOVE, that's for sure!!!!
We wish you a lovely weekend!!!!!
Sunday March 23rd 2014
There was a bit of sunshine so we decided to go outside to get a fresh nose.....
I'm always curious: what is inside????? |
an old tree, I adore it..... |
hmmm....are there clouds ???? |
yep! clouds coming our way! |
this is a monument: lock gates, very old |
what a surprise, a spider in it's nest....must have been made by school-children! |
We decided to go back home; the clouds were approaching very fast. A little thunder we heard.....We almost stayed dry because after some raindrops it started to hail! Weird country this is: one day you can walk outside without a coat and next day there is hail......but we have this saying to: Maart roert zijn staart....it means as much as In the end March wiggles it's tail!
Another walk in Zwillbrocker Venn!
Guess what?! We saw the Flamingos!!!! all 6 of them! With my camera I couldn't photograph them, they were too far away. I shall add pic's later (my husband has them!).
We also found "prints" in the sand from deer! Ahaaa!!!!! They are there, somewhere! We keep looking for them!
I'm always intrigued when I see these things... |
it was mais..... |
the sky...so beautiful.....never the same |
"protected" by the trees...all you have to do is look up to the sky |
Farmers can be so creative |
fungi.......! |
Today (March 14th 2014) I received the magazine DollsHouse Nederland issue 113 from www.dollshousenederland.nl and it announces the dolls-house show April 5th and 6st in Apeldoorn in the Netherlands.
It was the first time I saw this magazine and I'm happily surprised! So many nice things to see and read in the magazine! Tutorials too!
Let me tell you that I have been thinking lately about making a bears-house and now that I've seen the magazine I'm convinced I want to make one, little bears included.
Need some time to think everything over and when I know what I want I shall make a start. I shall keep people who are interested in dolls-houses and bears-houses informed!
Walking in Zwillbrock again! You never get bored there, it is so beautiful. Every time you visit it it looks different. Different weather, different colours, different things growing, different birds...
I took a pic from the other side of the stone:
German side, isn't it wonderful?! |
and here are some more pic's from some same spots but under different circumstances:
I love this one! |
I love this one with all my heart!!!! |
Grey doesn't mean dull to me at all! You can hear all kind of birds "talking" and flying and we did see them making a nest already! The Flamingo's.....we didn't find them and we think they have left. They are supposed to arrive next month again and get babies....we are looking forward to it!
As it was grey we walked a bit farther to a lovely restaurant for some coffee with......but it was closed. Luckely we had these muesli-bars!
We will try to have a walk in Zwillbrock every week!
Thanks for joining us on this walk!
Ahh...the sun was shining today and the weather was so lovely. We decided to go for a walk and drove to Germany (15 minutes drive by car) to Zwillbrock......it is a beautiful piece of nature with gulls and Flamingo's and even more......and a piece of Zwillbrock is situated in the Netherlands.....so when you walk one moment you are in Germany and next moment in The Netherlands!
this very old stone - 1766 - shows the frontier...so beautiful!
Here are some pic's, enjoy! we did!
there have been 6 flamingo's spotted already but we couldn't find them yet |
you only may walk around this area, not enter |
a fallen tree, so special |
meadows.....gosh do I like them! |
Now, it is late already, washing-machine is working for me, dinner must be prepared.......
On my page work in progress I was showing my little mini rabbit....and suddenly I was out of inspiration (or just tired).....thrue the years I've noticed it happens every now and then and if so I take my needles. Relaxed sitting on the couch, knit ....knit or crochet! If I start.....it is hard to stop again because I LIKE it so much!
On my page crochet/knitting you can see some results. Btw this "tic" is not over yet at this moment!
Also, every now and then I have a little talk with my creations and ask them how they are??? Gosh, this time some of them told me they urgently needed another look or out-fit! So, I did what they asked me and had a lot of fun. Decorating creations, for me it one of the hardest things.....to find what they and I like most.
Here is the result:
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Curly got the new sweater and a hair-clip and I think maybe I will rename her.... |
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Pierretta, I've been trying to decorate her for a long time and finally I'm happy (and so is she!)....just a piece of lace with a heart...and some tiny pearls on her buttons... |
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and Mousy, who still had a dark and kind of dull look; Mousy got new eyes, green ones (from TC) and I gave her whiskers! Much better! |
and last but not least, my husband and I walked. It is too warm for the time of the year and some trees have little flowers, weird but beautiful. Usually we walk somewhere around the corner and go on for a couple of hours. Rain!!!! it was pourring down! on our way back....but we didn't care at all. It is nice to come home and have a warm shower and some tea!
Here are some pic's - without the rain!
do you also like the silouhet from the trees???? |
so much space!!!! |
the river Berkel, never looks the same! and we love the horses! |
one of the churches in our village; I love the architecture! It is surrounded by big old trees. |
and one more ancient church.....we sheltered there once when "it was raining cats and dogs" !!! |
OK, it is time to go on with my mini-rabbit! Here I go! Later!
Lucky day! Today we visited 2 second hand shops and we found these!
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this time it is a doggie! I have 4 now! |
Aha!!!! the first step to my bear-house! Ideas enough here and hubby says: make a design for me and I'll make it in wood for you! Isn't that sweet?! This table and the chairs are appr. 10 cm / 4 inches! Make a design....hmmm.......!
Sheepdriver championship
This weekend in a village called Rekken there were sheepdriver championships. We had never ever seen this in real so we were very curious. OK, on our bikes to Rekken, the sun was shining! Once there we saw a meadow and a sheepdriver with his stick....and a beautiful Border Collie....and about 6 sheep......the man was whistling and talking ("lay down......lay down!") and the sheep had to enter a little barn....but they didn't! Doggie running like an idiot, moving from left to the right and the other way around......."lay down" the man shouted......and all kinds of whistling sounds were heard. Time Over!!!!
Next......doggie not listening very well too........Next......doggie not listening at all it seems.....but then: a woman! Hurray! Women can drive sheeps I saw! Gosh I thought, wish I had learned that!
The difference was that this woman was very gentle to the dog and to the sheep....very calm......whistling softly....whispering "lay down"! In no time the sheep were in the barn! HURRAY!!!!! Respect for that woman!
here is a picture:
We didn't stay that long because it started feeling freezing cold, cold wind. Back home then! On our way back home, just around the corner, I saw this:
and the strange thing is that it looks kind of tropical to me....but as I said, it wasn't! Beautiful it was tho!
Trog-ul by Dot......
ahhhh.....I'm in love! My friend and I traded bears and Trog-ul and it was such a surprise to receive Trog-ul the day before Christmas! Very curious I opened the box and found this gorgeous, sweet and colourful friend! I'm really happy with T.U. A lot of extra details, a smile from here to heaven.......now, who couldn't love T.U.???!!!!
Every time I enter my "bear-palace" T.U. is waiting for me and welcomes me with this smile!!!!! WOW!
So, THANKS Dot and also for the book called Quest for Bear Santa!
Since we moved into this house we have a new cooker and today (really fast, I know!) finally I baked a pie.
TIP: don't add the roasted nuts while they are still warm! Why didn't I think of that before?!
Took me HOURS btw to make this pie!!!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Today I received a picture from my friend; she had asked me to trade a trog-ull for my mini-red Mr. Rouge. Trades must be fair I think so I offered to send another bear too. Two tiny reds for a trog-ull.......
and here they are, sitting in front of a gorgeous bear holding a snow-ball....feeling at home! It is SO nice to see that someone else can be this happy with your creations and receiving such a picture! Thank you friend all the way in bonny Scotland!!!! xxx Pink
btw as soon as I have received my trog-ull I shall share a picture!
Secret love????
look what I found in my closet! I had NO idea! Frankie (doll) and my very very first bear ever.....awww.....!!!!
Mondi is "our" little girl, aged 10. She is the daughter of my brother who lives with us. Actually she is the daughter of my brother, Suzanne and Ed (her new daddy). She stays with us many times and she is a very creative girl! Yesterday, when I came home, she had some presents for me. She made this drawing to celebrate my birthday:
now take a closer look and find out she made a little bear with dress.....a pair of scissors and a piece of lace! So lovely!!!!
Today she decorated a little wooden teddy-bear:
She will hang it on her closet, at home! Now, not strange that we are proud of this girl isn't it?! YES, we are!
Aka Frankenstein, a present!
One of my dearest friends, Lotte from Denmark, has sent me a present! it is a Blythe doll and she has constructed it herself out of a box with all kinds of doll-parts! She gave Frankie (as we call her!) 4 different colours eyes and I can change the colours and position by pulling 2 little strings with beads. SO special! Lotte designed and made the dress too, it is so lovely! Frankie is keeping me company in my "bear-palace" and she is behaving extremely well! Thank you Lotte! You are SO talented in many ways! xxx
mini bear ready!
it was quite a job I think! The head his disc-jointed and the limbs are thread-jointed with tiny buttons. Bear still looks a bit like a Koala (due to the big eyes!) so I gave it a Koala-bear-bead added to a wool-felt scarf. Made foot-paws from wool-felt and stitched them on afterwards; made the ears, finally! Decided to use wool-felt and I added fray-check to keep them in shape. Must confess that I like this bear and am proud I succeeded....and that I asked my husband to make a wooden bear-room for me! Yes, it "got" me so to speak! Never thought so!!! Will make another one and improve the technique; this is the nice thing of making bears: explore and learn! More to come!
so funny, I got an email from Dolls House Show asking me if I want to donate a mini-bear.....feels like an honour!
Dolls House, I had never heard of them so I googled and found a magazine loaded with lovely things and bears and more! In the email I was told that there will be a special mini-bears room too, for the first time....and the room will be build pro-deo by a kind man, and they need mini-bears. There will be a lottery and some lucky person can win this room, bears included! All the profit of this lottery will be donated to the Dutch Berenbos, which is a special area in one of our Zoo's where saved mis-treated bears can live free and in peace.......
-donating a bear, that's no problem was the first thing I thought.....donating a mini-bear...well....I'm not very good in making mini-bears and kind of dis-like it (hmm...very much!)....so, I sent an email asking HOW small a mini-bear should be? Oh dear!!!! scale 1:12 which means a bear of appr. 7 cm....2,3 inches.....
Thinking of the Berenbos I decided: give it a try, do your upper-best and make a mini-bear! It is the least I can do.
I designed a little pattern and was thinking about sizes.....
and once working on this mini-bear I decided the body should be wider, so I did (not shown on this picture).Started with the head (I always do now I'm thinking of it!) and used felted mohair, not the easiest fur to work with for a mini.....
and added a mini-disc with a cotter-pin.
Next: the face.....eyes....embroidery for the snout.....
and found out the eyes were too big in my opinion. However, I have this weak spot in my heart for critter-bears....and solved this with some wool-felt and made sleepy eyes....and in my imagination I already saw a night-cap.....
At this moment it looks more like a Koala we believe!
What worries me is making the ears.....how on earth will I turn them inside out and vice-versa? I will solve it but don't ask me how at this moment!
two arms done!!!! gosh, am I beginning to LIKE this? Oh oh.....!
OK, what's left to do? one leg and the body, assembling everything, make a night-cap and make some clothes maybe. Can't wait to go on!!!!
Will show pics when done! ahhh...shoes!!!!!!
btw: if you like to donate a mini-bear: take a look at www.dhnshow.com (please copy and paste! don't know yet how to insert a link, sorry)
it is worth taking a look anyway!
Must go now, bear waiting!!!!! - to be continued.....
Today we decided to go for a walk; "they" said there could be rain so we took some rain-coats with us.....and there we went on our way thrue the meadows.....not precisely sure which road but it would show we thought, as always. It was lovely outside, sun and beautiful views.....
just, in a few minutes time, the weather changed:
do you see the strange light???? we did!
still dry.....but we heard a strange sound.....like a storm and a tic tic noise.....on the roof of a big stable.....and suddenly:
there it was, a shower of hail.....everything grey....the road loaded with tiny ice-balls....and it did hurt so we decided to stand behind a tree......
it lasted for about 5 minutes and it was gone. We followed the clouds......amazing! and there it came back, the sun!!!
What have I been doing lately? We prepared dinner for 7 people, canneloni, it was delicious! and ofcourse, as always and NO news.....I've been making bears. Here is a pic of my mini-bear in progress:
30 October 2013
Yesterday we went to Germany.....to a "bear"-supplier. Oh...oh....! It was my first visit to this supplier although I knew them from a bear-show in Austria.....really nice people.
Now we have moved to this little city this supplier is not far away. Oh...oh...again!
When we entered I was overwhelmed by the number of different mohairs. Ahhhh.......!!!!!!!! Oke, I had a limit in mind, a limit of the euro's I wanted to spend.... I MADE it! Got 5 different colours mohair.....antique look - I love it!
When we paid we got a present:
Yesterday evening I was busy changing a pattern, a mini bear, but I do not really like making mini-bears and prefer bears a bit bigger. I DID design a mini-bear tho, cut everything out of paper......and thought: No Way! not for me......! So, today I started all over again and I resized the pattern. I like to design......and always am surprised in the end what the fabric does with a pattern. I think it is a kind of learning-process. Here is a picture of my bear-in-progress....and I'm looking forward to the moment it is finished!
Now I must go, bear waiting!!!
October 25th 2013
Walking......in nature. I love it! Time to look if there were new mushrooms and have a look at the river de Berkel!
We were lucky, so many beautiful things to see again! Little stop for a cup of tea and on we went again. Enjoy! we did...!
this is a tiny one:
this is a big one!
and a lovely view on de Berkel!
and finally a "little village"!
October 23rd 2013
I've succeeded to follow my own blog......no idea! Oh well, I will try to fix this! I will also insert a translater (I hope!) and I try to become a follower on Anna's blog...don't know what is going wrong. I will succeed to manage this too!
Here I like to share my personal hug!
Lewis!!! Recognize him??? Ofcourse, it is a Conni-bear! I'm so glad he found his way to my bear-palace! He sits opposite my desk and I see him every day. We talk a little......wir sprechen ein bisschen Deutsch und er sagt nie: das sagst du falsch! Ich LIEBE Lewis!!!! I recognize bears from Conni everywhere!!!! I will get more!!!! Imagine, a line with Conni bears! Ahhh!!!!
This is my cute and loved hug! On the left, the doll, called Little Charlie, is made by TC folk originals. It is so amazing because everything can move! She designed it herself. If you like to make one just visit her website www.crafttales.com and find free patterns and projects!
Little Charlie holds a Fluffy-bear! I love Fluffy bears! Then, if you take a closer look, you will find Baba-cool, appr. 6 cm high.....crocheted by Annabel (des ours plein cours - I bet I spell this wrong); I loved it at once! Arms can move...unbelievable!
Then you will see 2 little bears made by Katinkadoll....a dear friend; these bears are vintage and special. You can find her on etsy.com
The brown bear was a present from my husband; it is a Renault-bear and it lives in a blue round box. Cute!
And on the right Lewis ofcourse!
So, my hug is not that big but it means a lot to me!!!!!
October 23rd 2013
I like to Welcome Conni, Silke, Kayskids and Anna! Proud to have you here!
Also I like to thank Conni for all her help starting my blog ....and still helping!
I don't know yet "how to" with all the possibilities in my blog but I'm learning....never too old!
October 22nd 2013
Here I will share things from my daily life. I just started this blog and I'm still trying to find out "how to" but I get great help from Conni from corneliasallerlei.blogspot.com and I'm VERY grateful!!!!
Today we have visited a second-handshop. Lately we have been doing this every week. Most of the time we buy nothing but some time ago my husband came home with a lovely bear and a week later we found a second one.
No idea if they are old or brand-new.....just love them! They keep me company in my "bear-palace"!
Today we found a pot.....as we call it.
Now I'm thinking what to put inside but I'm pretty sure it will be bear-stuff! It is about 20 cm high. Glass.
Kitsch??? I don't care at all!!!! it is a bear!
Next Friday it will be 4 months ago we moved to this small city and this house. We are still exploring the surrounding but one thing we know is that it is very beautiful here. This area is called De Achterhoek....it is in the east of the Netherlands. Every now and then we go outside to take pictures....and enjoy this beautiful nature.
In our garden (still a mess but we are working on it.....little by little....) squirrels visit us. We were so surprised!!! We also have many birds in the garden and lately even spotted a buzzard! Amazing!
This is a picture of the river de Berkel. Just around the corner. It is so beautiful!
So, we walk a lot, bike a lot...and enjoy every minute!
More to come!
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